Empowerment Hub is situated in the Johannesburg Metro area in Soweto Region D as a community based non- profit organization. Established in 2020 during the covid19 pandemic, it has been in existence for the past 3 years.
OBJECTIVE 1- by 2030 improve the physical mental, social and psychological well- being of community members we will collaborate with
Free Counselling
We provide free counselling services to people in need. We fill the important gap between overwhelmed government services on the one hand and unaffordable private psychological services on the other hand. While we do Face to Face counselling, our main focus is to do ongoing counselling virtually. We apply the Person-Centered Approach as our counselling model. This enables us to counsel all issues that clients bring to us. This includes trauma debriefing, bereavement, gender-based violence and abuse, rape ,suicide, depression and anxiety, addiction – the list goes on. In addition, we offer couples counselling as well as group debriefing and supervision.
GBV Program
We run a Victim Empowerment Program. We offer psycho-social counselling particularly to victims of Gender-Based Violence, Rape and Any other form of abuse. We do outreach events as support and education as community prevention.
HIV Testing and counselling
We offer HIV testing and counselling services mobile to the community. In addition, we offer TB screening, blood sugar and blood pressure screening as well as screening for sexually transmissible diseases. We go out every day into the streets of Johannesburg particularly to reach clients who won’t go to the clinic for health screening or to be tested for HIV.
Counselling Skills Course
Every year we run our Personal Growth and Counselling Skills Course. The course has the kind of reputation such that we do not have to advertise for participants. People come to us to do the course on the basis of word of mouth. While we can have up to 100 applicants, we have capacity to annually train on average 45 community members as lay counsellors every year.
The course entails a year of training with a minimum of 130 hours. Added to the training hours are practical counselling done under guidance and supervision.
Finance Manager
Project Manager
Chairperson of the Board
Board Member
HR Manager
Peer Educator